Solar Eclipse 2024

For some safety tips:

Join us on a Journey to the Eclipse! 🌒

The SCCS Planetarium Friends are hitting the road for the ultimate adventure - chasing the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024! Pack your bags and join us at Fair Haven Beach State Park in New York. Get ready for a day filled with vendors, info booths, and free entry to the park. Our astronomy gurus will be there too, ready to unravel the mysteries of the eclipse. With wide-open spaces and stunning lake views, Fair Haven is the place to be. Be an early bird and snag the perfect viewing spot with us!

Meet us at the first parking lot on the left after entering the Park.

Total Solar Eclipse

Monday, April 8, 2024, 12:00 PM - 04:30 PM

Fair Haven Beach State Park

12-2 Sabin Hall Talks: Dr. Nordgren will present, See the Sun and Moon Align with You: See the spectacle that has terrified and inspired humans for millennia and is just as awe inspiring today. Josh Teeter will share why State Parks is celebrating, an overview of the last 100 years and how you can join the celebration!

12-2 Bay Shelter Activities: Join Sciencenter staff to explore why eclipses happen, investigate the future of lunar exploration, create a pocket-sized solar system, and more with hands-on space activities!

2:00pm (first contact) through totality will be hosted by Dr. Tyler Nordgren.

2:30-Totality Roving Activities: Make your own pinhole eclipse viewer, catalog the changing shadows, and more with roving activities with the Sciencenter.

End Totality - 4:30 Bay Shelter Activities resume and Facilitated Discussion: The Sciencenter team will o er a combination of written reflection prompts to create a community art observation/reflection project as well as a conversation with Dr. Nordgren and Sciencenter about the eclipse experience.

Fair Haven Beach State Park will be selling refreshments, snacks, souvenirs, etc. at the Beach Shelter.

Please dress overly warm for the weather. Fair Haven Beach State Park can be colder and windier that the surrounding area. Make sure to have plenty of water, food, and snacks for before AND after the eclipse.